Just the four of us

Just the four of us

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Adelyn Nicole Hoyle

Adelyn is here ! She arrived a week early  and her birth story is one to remember !!

On Wednesday July 6th I had a scheduled non stress test at 11am. I also had Colton with me . I figured we would go to trader joes and lunch after my appointment . Before my appointment I went to my favorite coffee shop caribou .They make a vanilla coffee cooler and add Oreos. It's so good ! I was still drinking it when they called me back for my appointment !

At my appointment the nurse hooked up the two bands to my belly. The blue and pink one. Then immediately she looked at the monitors and said that's weird . I noticed it too . I had been going for these non stress tests since I fell at thirty one  weeks in May and was admitted to the hospital. At thirty one weeks they noticed her heart rate would elevate then return to normal . But on this day it would not return to normal it was over 200 . I've leaned now that usually indicates baby is under some sort of stress. Within two minutes of being hooked up the doctor came  in. He looked at her heart rate then took the bands off and said head down town to labor and delivery . I just looked at him for a few seconds before replying umm is she being delivered today? He said probably and I'm calling ahead to let them know you are on the way . I was worried and wanted to get there as fast as I could. Colton was crying in the car and said a prayer for his sister. In the car I called my husband , he was working in the heat !! I told him get home get a shower come down town . He sounded shocked and said he would . Then I called my sister  and said get down town ASAP . She needed to come get Colton so my husband could go into Surgery with me,

While I was talking to my sister the doctor called. When I answered he said was that your coffee cookie drink ? I said  yes . He said quit drinking it now and don't eat or drink anything. I said so we are 
 going into delivery ? He said yes ! I then called everyone again and said please hurry !

Now my husband always  parks in this one parking deck for  us . It scares me . Especially with my Tahoe .. I was a nervous wreck trying to park and get into  the hospital with Colton. Once I got there they took me upstairs and hooked up the blue and pink bands again. It was a relief to hear her but her heart rate was so high. I sat there in triage with the bands for maybe fifteen minutes and then Dr. Mccurdy came in . She said we are headed to surgery at three pm and right then hubby showed up. My sister still wasn't there to sit with Colton.  Jeremiah wasn't allowed Into surgery if there was no one to sit with Colton , My mom and dad were in Ohio visiting family.

When Dr. Mccurdy came in to tell me surgery was at three pm the time was 2:25 pm. Yikes!!! I
started frantically texting my sister .
Within five minutes my room was flooded with people . The IV team came in . The anesthesiologist came in and some surgical assistants . They handed Jeremiah scrubs .  They wheeled me off within ten minutes and I had to kiss Jeremiah and Colton by.  I didn't know if Jeremiah would make it or not.
It was stressful but I knew she had to be delivered with or without him in the room.

They got me in the surgery room and asked me about my cookie coffee drink :) it was kind of a joke in the OR . The girls said they wanted one. And I said well I threw half away. They gave me some  medicine  to help me from getting sick.  Then I got the epidural and they were hooking up things . Dr.McCurdy  walked in and they called triage to,see if he was on his way . At that time they paged NICU team to be there when she was delivered and another nurse walked in with our phones to get
 pictures but still no husband . I was crying but knew they were about to start . Right when Dr.Mccurdy sat down to start Jeremiah walked in . everyone clapped and said daddy is here !

He held my hand the whole time while we waited to hear Adelyn cry for the first time. As soon as I heard her cry I started to cry . It's the most beautiful sound.

The NICU team looked over Adelyn for ten minutes and they said she sounded great . They told daddy to come get pictures and he did. They brought her to me to kiss before taking her to do a few more tests.

I was stitched up and taken to recovery. At recovery I was doing great for twenty minutes before I started throwing up every ten minutes. They tried everything to get my stomach settled but nothing worked.  They brought Adelyn back after about thirty minutes and I tried to hold her as much as I could between throwing up,.

They kept us in recovery for an hour trying to get my stomach settled but it just wouldn't . So they took us to a room.

My sister and niece and Colton came in to see us for just a few minutes and then they left . At three am  the nurse  noticed my incision had opened up and paged the doctor. She came in and said she had to staple me  right then. It hurt! They put nine staples across my incision.
I wasn't allowed out of the bed for eight hours after stapling me .

They watched her for Jondis while we were there but it kept improving and she never had to have the light.  That was a relief .

 We were released on Saturday . Her weight dropped to 6pounds seven ounces.
We went in to the pediatrician Monday because she was tongue tied (there is another medical word for this ) but its a very quick procedure. Babies usually recover very quickly from this and cry for a minute and then I nursed her and she stopped crying. at this appointment she was already up two ounces.

She is a month old now and I've included some of her newborn photos!! she weighs nine pounds 12 ounces and loves to eat!!!

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